Всенародная актриса Нина Сазонова na Kukaj.to. Nina Sazonova's heroines are inseparable from her personal fate as a man who survived the war, experienced a lot of grief and losses, and endured severe life trials. She rightfully holds a special and honorable place in the wonderful galaxy of artists of the Russian Army Theater. Her roles in the plays "Vassa", "Drummers", "Trees die standing" brought her national love. The images she created in cinema, such as Ekaterina, are also unforgettable. ("Women"), Anisya ("There's a Guy like That"), the Ivanovs' mother ("Our House") and Aunt Pasha from the TV series "Day by Day". All these are not just the roles of a talented actress, they are the fates of a whole generation of Russian women, great workers who endured the torments and hardships of war on their shoulders, lost their husbands, but did not break down, selflessly giving others all their kindness and concern.
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