The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation na The Bannister family including former K-9 police hero Zeus (voiced by Mario López) is back, and this time they're spending their holidays at a beautiful Rocky Mountain resort. But toss in an unexpected visit from cocky Uncle Randy (Casper Van Dien of 'Watch Over Me' and 'The Curse of King Tut's Tomb') and his foxy poodle Bella (voiced by Paris Hilton) and a familiar pair of bumbling jewel thieves (led by Dean Cain of 'Lois & Clark: The New Adventure of Superman' and 'The Dog Who Saved Christmas') and this holiday may be headed downhill fast! Can Zeus solve the crime, save Bella and hit the slopes, all in time for Christmas Day? Gary Valentine ('King of Queens') and Elisa Donovan ('Sabrina the Teenage Witch' and 'Clueless') co-star in the all-new four-legged family adventure!
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