Song of Surrender na In 1906 in Connecticut, Elisha Hunt, the 55-year-old curator of a small government museum, marries Abigail, the 19-year-old daughter of a local farmer. In addition to the differences in their ages in this May-to-December union, Elizha is a man of culture while Abigail is uneducated. Bruce Edridge, young, handsome and wealthy, comes into her life, and they fall in love. Abigail is now faced with two choices; the chance of wealth versus her present mediocre circumstances, or her love for Bruce versus her loyalty to Elisha.
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Svět se zdá být na konci, plný pozůstatků lidské přítomnosti. Kočka je samotářské zvíře, ale když je její domov zničen velkou povodní, najde útočiště na lodi obývané různými druhy, se kterými se musí spojit navzdory jejich odlišnostem. Na osamělé lodi plující...