Jan Fennell - The Dog Listener na Kukaj.to. Jan Fennell has devoted her life to developing a unique understanding of the canine world and its instinctive language. This understanding has enabled her to bridge the barrier that separates man from his best friend. Her talen has earned her international acclaim and the nickname 'The Dog Listener' In this film Jan demonstrates her technique and the exceptional results which it can provide. She shares her secrets and shows how it can be a much more effective and compassionate alternative to standard 'obedience' training. This easy to follow approach includes case histories of problem dogs.
Štítky:#dog trainer#jan fennell - the dog listener 2005#sledujte jan fennell - the dog listener online#jan fennell - the dog listener celý film#jan fennell - the dog listener cz/sk dabing#jan fennell - the dog listener cz/sk titulky#jan fennell - the dog listener online zdarma#stáhnout film jan fennell - the dog listener#jan fennell - the dog listener Kukaj.to
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