It Happened One Christmas na It's Christmas Eve 1944 in the small town of Bedford Falls, New York. A despondent and suicidal Mary Bailey Hatch is praying for guidance on what to do about an incident no fault of her own which threatens her name and the community standing of her longtime family business, the Bailey Building and Loan, which she took over after the passing of her father. What Mary does not know is that most in town, including her husband George Hatch and their children, are also praying for her. All the prayers are heard by Joseph, God's gatekeeper of prayers. As there are no other angels available on such a busy day, Joseph assigns Clara Oddbody, angel second class (i.e. she has yet to receive her wings), to Mary's case, which he reluctantly does as Clara has never been assigned a case on her own in the two hundred years she's been in heaven for good reason.
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Svět se zdá být na konci, plný pozůstatků lidské přítomnosti. Kočka je samotářské zvíře, ale když je její domov zničen velkou povodní, najde útočiště na lodi obývané různými druhy, se kterými se musí spojit navzdory jejich odlišnostem. Na osamělé lodi plující...
Tvořili nerozlučnou dvojku – polda a jeho pes. Jenže pak se přichomýtli ke kolosální explozi, která pro ně měla velmi vážné následky. Naštěstí se ocitli v rukou skvělých doktorů, kteří posbírali to, co z nich zbylo, spojili to dohromady a stvořili Dogmana. Od krku dolů...