In Their Own Words: Jim Henson na The film follows Henson’s career from his first work with his Muppets in the early 1950’s during television’s Golden Age up to his sudden and shocking death in 1990, as he transcended puppetry to become one of the most creative, prolific and influential artists of his time. Key events include his early television work with the Muppets while still a student at the University of Maryland, his commercial work and network appearances in the late 1950s and early 1960’s, his breakthrough with Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, and his groundbreaking fantasy films, Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Among those interviewed for the Jim Henson episode are his children, Lisa, Cheryl, Brian and Heather Henson, actors Neil Patrick Harris and Candice Bergen, Willard Scott, director John Landis, former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, and Sesame Street cast members Bob McGrath and Carroll Spinney.
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