Il Volo: We Are Love - Live From The Fillmore Miami Beach 2013 na We Are Love: Live from The Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater was shot in March and aired nationally on PBS in June as Il Volo: We Are Love. The special was produced by Richard Jay-Alexander (Barbra Streisand), directed by Scott Lochmus with Detroit PBS as the producing agent. Grammy-winning producer Humberto Gatica and Italian composer Tony Renis produced the music. Both the CD and DVD feature performances of tracks from their newly released album We Are Love: Special Edition (complete track listing below). Also included is a special duet, "Constantemente Mia," with Latin singing sensation Belinda as well as the song that launched them to fame in both the U.S. and their homeland, "'O Sole Mio," the most popular track from their self-titled Billboard Top Ten debut. Each performance showcases their impressively mature, romantic and powerful voices in front of a 22-piece live orchestra and a fully entranced, sold out crowd.
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