Herkes Kendi Evinde na Kukaj.to. After several years of numbly mourning his parents death, 26 year old Selim takes a chance on the US lottery for passports and wins. He decides to sell the family olive grove to raise enough money to live in Manhattan and to break all roots to Turkey, leaving his girlfriend behind. When Selim's aged grand uncle, Nasuhi returns from Russia after 58 years he asks Selim to visit with him the olive grove of his youth. Before they depart, Nasuhi finds a beaten Russian girl, Olga who was robbed when she tried to sell herself to raise money to continue her own search for her sea faring father.
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Svět se zdá být na konci, plný pozůstatků lidské přítomnosti. Kočka je samotářské zvíře, ale když je její domov zničen velkou povodní, najde útočiště na lodi obývané různými druhy, se kterými se musí spojit navzdory jejich odlišnostem. Na osamělé lodi plující...