Amore in quattro dimensioni na Young Italian writers and directors express themselves in four episodes about sex and love. "Love and Language," the first tale, centers on the difficulties of a Sicilian immigrant who is unable to master proper Italian. the second tale "Love and Life" centers on a jealous and unhappy wife who becomes so desperate to be free of her constantly philandering husband she takes on a lover of her own. "Love and Art" a nearly exhausted screenwriter hires a secretary to help manage his typing. She's a pretty lass and this makes his insecure wife crazy until he fires the female and hires a male secretary. "Love and Death," the final episode centers on the love affair between a middle-aged widower and the grieving young widow he meets at the cemetery. Unfortuantely for his bank statement, the young, impoverished beauty isn't as bereaved as she seems.
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Svět se zdá být na konci, plný pozůstatků lidské přítomnosti. Kočka je samotářské zvíře, ale když je její domov zničen velkou povodní, najde útočiště na lodi obývané různými druhy, se kterými se musí spojit navzdory jejich odlišnostem. Na osamělé lodi plující...