Αυτό το κάτι άλλο! na Kukaj.to. An unorganized and spoiled guy, Telis Partalis, who is only cut off for his amusement, is squandering all of his father's possessions in feasts and cartogangers. His sister, Ellie, a tasty girl and a serious lawyer, as well as Julie's rich aunt, do their utmost to avert this situation but telis is not at all aware of his own misery. His aunt is forcing him to get engaged to the wealthy Nana, who in turn is a fanatic of the spree and has the ability to bail him out of debt. They once realize that Telis has fallen to the clutches of the deft who, led by the impostor Stelios, want to take away even the factory he has inherited. Then they all buckle together, even his sister and Nana, so they take down the bad guys. The factory survives, the hero's mind is somewhat "coagulates" and the love that arises between dues and nanas seals the happy ending.
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